Event expired
BHP is a leading global resources company that extracts and processes minerals, oil and gas; resources necessary for families, towns, regions and nations.
With applications for their graduate and intern programs now open, this is your chance to hear from the BHP team about what makes their program the #1 in the Mining, Oil & Gas sector.
All Live Q&A's will be recorded for the benefit of future students and those who aren't able to attend the event. Content may be used by the event host, the employer, or on a Prosple website.
All participants will have their video camera and microphone muted by default. If you are not comfortable with having your voice or face recorded, please keep your video off and microphone muted.
With that in mind, we encourage all of you who are comfortable with being recorded to keep your video on to make for a better experience with employers. You can at any time request to have content you are featured in removed from the web by sending an email to contact@prosple.com.