My experience with the hiring process was great. The best aspect was having multiple opportunities to ask questions, whether that is with the recruiters or lawyers within the firm that the recruiters put you in touch with. There is only so much you can know about a firm online, so having these additional opportunities to learn from those who work there made the difference for me.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Aug 2024
I made an online application and then had an initial interview with two back to back interviews. I then had a second interview with three partners.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Aug 2024
The application included a range of short and longer answer questions in an online form. The first interview was a 'blind interview' where the interviewers had not seen the interviewees resume and had no information other than their name. After that there was a social event, it was putt putt, and a final interview and assessment. For the assessment we were given 45 minutes to draft a short email to a client about a particular issue, we had some materials and a paper to draft. Straight after the assessment was the interview with a partner, where we were asked as part of the interview a few questions that related to the assessment.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Aug 2024
I was hired through the clerkship program. The recruitment process for the clerkship program consisted of two rounds of interviews. The first round was with a mid/senior lawyer of the firm and a HR representative. The second round was with a Counsel/Partner of the firm and with a HR representative. We were also asked to complete a written component as part of the second round of assessments.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Aug 2024
Three stages of interview
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jan 2023
The application process was transparent and structured. First, I had to submit an online application, attaching my CV, cover letter and answering a short question. The second stage consisted of two interviews with senior lawyers during which we discussed my background and experience. I was also asked situational and commercial awareness questions. The final interview was a case study, where I had to read a client file and prepare a 10-minute presentation to three partners. Clifford Chance conducts "blind" interviews, which felt like a conversation rather than being grilled.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jan 2023
The interview process consisted of two parts (I) two half an hour interviews with 2 interviewers per session and (ii) a case study with two partners.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Jan 2023
The interview process was very streamlined and accessible, consisting of 2 rounds of interviews with senior associates and partners respectively. There is a strong focus on identifying cultural compatibility through the process, including alignment on diversity and inclusion values. Online assessments consist of the usual market standard tests.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jan 2023
There were two interviews. The first was with two senior associates and the second one was with two partners. Both interviews were blind interviews meaning my CV was not given to the interviewers which is nice as they get to know me fresh. The interviewers were also all from different practice areas so you get to know more about the different areas of the firm. The final interview included an assessment where you had to present a case study on whether CC should take on a client.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jan 2023
Blind interview system used so no bias towards certain characteristics, two rounds of interviews by midlevel and then partners, no assessment used in clerkship program but assessed in graduate program when open market.
Graduate, Perth - 05 Jan 2023
There was a series of phone interviews, face-to-face interviews and a cocktail evening. This ensured that the right people that fit within the firm culture were hired.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Apr 2018
Streamlined and professional. Lack of assessments/testing - more conversational.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Apr 2018
The interview process and assessments were very thorough.
Intern, Sydney - 28 Mar 2018
I completed 4 weeks of work experience followed by a graduate interview for an hour
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Mar 2018
I attended an interview with two partners before being offered a winter clerkship position and after my clerkship I attended a one-on-one interview with the Managing Partner of Australia before being offered a graduate position.
Intern, Sydney - 28 Mar 2018
2-3 interviews with partners, senior and junior lawyers
Midlevel, Sydney - 27 Mar 2018
First, the resume/cover letter/transcript application process gains you an invitation to the open day. Based on that, you're also invited to interview for either or both of the paralegal program and/or the graduate program. The paralegal interview process consisted of one interview, and then one days work a week (plus more as mutually agreed) for six months. The graduate interview process consisted of 2 interviews, and the paralegals were 'automatically' put through to the second round.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Mar 2018
In Perth they run an "open day" on a Saturday to learn about the firm and participate in activities. I understand this may be changing. A lot of graduates start as paralegals (i.e. they have worked at the firm one day a week in their final year of university).
Midlevel, Perth - 26 Mar 2018
Two interviews with a CV submission and questions.
Midlevel, Sydney - 26 Mar 2018