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Cognizant Australia

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Application Process & Interviews at Cognizant Australia

7.9 rating for Recruitment, based on 24 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I had about 2-3 interviews, i completed about 2-3 assessments.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Several over the phone conversations, virtual meetings/assessments, video recording of answering questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2023
Quiz interview, video interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
Started with aptitude tests, then had a conversation with a member of hr. the next step was an interview with a senior member of the staff and then all done.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Aug 2023
Interview went very smooth, assessment questions are reasoble and related to the role hired
Graduate, melbourne - 09 Jun 2023
Video interview + hr interview + case study interview = the process overall was long, but it was clear and what was needed to be done was well explained.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
A technical test, an hr phone interview, and an online face-to-face interview with a mager within the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
Normal interview process: self introduction, interests and few technical questions about software development process mostly related to computer science field
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Jul 2018
Two interviews, one with two interviewers and a one-on one
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2018
The standard q&a between interviewee and interviewer was there. as the interview prolonged, it transitioned into a more get to know each other conversation for both parties allowing me to know that this team which i would be working with would be a good fit to my persolity.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2018
The interview process was fair and decent.
Graduate, Melbourne, Australia - 09 Jul 2018
The hiring process at cognizant was enjoyable and thorough. after an initial online application and a prelimiry phone interview i was invited to attend an assessment centre in the cognizant office in the city. the process took half a day. we had a chance to view presentations from various business units which gave an overview of cognizant. this also provided the opportunity to ask questions and come to understand the culture of cognizant. after this, interviews were conducted with a panel of interviewers. the interview consisted of general questions and technical questions (depending on which business unit we applied for). i found the questions to be about technology and business in general. only a few of the questions focused on specific technologies or techniques.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
Fairly normal interview process. there is some behind the scenes work that occurs that filters who interviews you and what business unit you fit into.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
The interview process is normal, selection based on cv - phone interview - face-to-face interview assessment includes presentation, some coding test and knowledge test for it.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Feb 2017
The process involved a initial screening call followed up by a formal interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
First step was online application followed by phone interview. successful phone interview resulted in invitation to the office for an information session on the company and a panel interview of 3 interviewers.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
Single interview that took place with 3 members of magement from different parts of the organisation. it was pleasant and professiol. there were no further assessments.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
The process was split in two phases. phone interview (initial screening), and fil interview. in the fil interview, depending on the graduate getting interviewed, different assessments were given. in the context of my persol assessment, i was assessed on my magement skills and how i would automate a manual workflow in my previous job. these were conducted in the form of scerios.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
First up was a small phone interview which was spontaneous. this threw me a little since i prefer to prepare for interviews thoroughly. after that came the main interview day. before the interviews there were presentations from each of the major business units then a 1h interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Experience, work ethic, hobbies and talents.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Case study based, persolity based, and work experience based
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2023
In the video interview i was asked about my experience at university with projects.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
Why joining cognizant? when is your past project experience?
Graduate, melbourne - 09 Jun 2023
Case study interview was based on a case study, so the questions were related to finding and recommending a solution. hr interview - it didn't feel like questions, it was more of a conversation with the interviewer about why i'm interested in this field, why i want to work in cognizant etc. behavioral questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
Some technical questions relating to resume. previous experience and university related courses and projects.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
Most of the technical questions are on software development
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Jul 2018
About goals, it experience, problem solving, programming knowledge. whether i was comfortable working late/weekends
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2018
Strength and weakness my experience (projects i've been involved as listed in resume and work related stuff) examples of facing certain situations (how to deal with them) technical questions based on my resumes skill set
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2018
I can't remember exactly. mostly on how i would handled certain scerios and what i would do in certain technical scerios e.g. how would you speed up a program you've coded etc.
Graduate, Melbourne, Australia - 09 Jul 2018
- do you know what iot is? can you give an example? - describe what a database is. - how can someone make money using facebook? - where do you see yourself in 5 years time? - what experience do you bring to the role?
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
How to maintain customer relations, how to ethically deliver projects.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
1. case study, how would you use social networking to help a restaurant run a better business? 2. why should i choose you for this job? 3. what is iot and give some examples.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Feb 2017
I was asked about my reason for application, what i want from the role, potential solutions to a proposed problem
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
What i knew about the industry. what i was passiote about. what education and work experience i had.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
1. tell me about your existing job? what do you do? 2. what do you know about the company? 3. in the context of your existing job, you mentioned that there were a lot of manual processes. how would you automate the entire process from start to finish, to ensure that maximum efficiency is achieved? 4. in your resume, you stated that you were a project mager for the entire duration of your internship. what were the challenges you faced while maging that project? 5. if you had a team member who was not completing the tasks that he/she was assigned, how would you motivate them so that it gets completed within the deadline? 6. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 7. what is your professiol career objective? 8. do you have any questions for us?
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
Mostly fairly standard interview questions such as tell us about yourself, why do you want to work here, where do you see yourself in 5 years etc. there were also a few think outside the box questions, the sort of questions you really can't prepare for.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
I was asked questions relating to my studies in university, how i handle myself in certain situations and was asked questions related to specific services the company offers to gain an understanding of where i would placed
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Do your research and be clear on what career path you want to get into.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Case study preparation and how to explain real world experience in a succinct and meaningful manner, i.e., using star method.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2023
Study on the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
Prepare a star tool box (google it). remember that you are talking to people during the interview. don't downplay your strengths
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Aug 2023
Go through what is written on your resume and be prepared for questions in related to it. do background check of the company, understand why you wanted to join the company.
Graduate, melbourne - 09 Jun 2023
Don't worry about being an it expert necessarily
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jun 2023
Understand what the company does and how to apply the skills you have for the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
Read about the company, and what they do. give clear answers to the questions. be confident in your answers.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
Follow up on interviews and contacts. understand consulting and technology services, and what they entail. emphasis on wanting to be continuously learning and developing in your field.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
For consulting applications and interviews, prepare for case interviews and understand the methods to tackle them. on the other hand, understand the current tech landscape at a high level, and be prepared to merge understandings of both topics into case scerios.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
Normal interview prep, look presentable.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2018
The interview process was fine.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2018
Graduate, Melbourne, Australia - 09 Jul 2018
Prepare by understanding the breadth of business activities that cognizant partakes in and understand where the one you are applying to fits in. don't worry too much about technical questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
Be honest, and be able to clarify and explain why you have put certain elements on your cv.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
Talk to the graduates who have already worked here and of course, they can read this survey for some insights.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Feb 2017
Know what you want to do and where you want it to take you. research the company and what it does.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
Understand the reason for your application and how you want to make the most of this opportunity.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
If you are not familiar with the tech world, do your research. it is a very exciting industry to be a part of and there are many resources for you to become familiar with.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
1. don't go overkill on your resume. highlight key achievements and key skill areas. 2. do your research on the company, and find out as much as you can. write down key standout points about the company. 3. if the candidate reaches the interview phase - research commonly asked interview questions online so you can prepare yourself to answer them when you go into the interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017