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Cognizant Australia

  • > 100,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Cognizant Australia

7.1 rating for Training, based on 36 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
They are constantly encouraging us to up skill, learn and create new learning adventures.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Learning and development opportunities are more than abundant.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2023
There was six weeks worth of training at the beginning of the program which proved to be useful.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
6-week training period that covered many technical topics including coding languages.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Aug 2023
Training and development programmes are offered and well planned at the company.
Graduate, melbourne - 09 Jun 2023
Training largely udemy videos. not a lot of hands-on and would have liked to get into client work sooner.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jun 2023
6 week formal training at beginning of employment, with access to learning resources exterl and interl for self-paced development. various technologies in the qa and testing space, using courses on platforms such as udemy. an istqb foundation level certification, with exam cost reimbursed.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 May 2023
There was a lot of online learning when i joined, but now i think they have moved to in person training with the newer grads
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2018
Formal training was a shamble. informal training by my mentor/mager was great.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2018
Cognizant provided us with incredible and ongoing training opportunities. in our first few months we flew to melbourne for 2 weeks of "soft-skills" training, which included presentation, communication, conflict resolution and influence skills. after that we flew to india for a two month cutting edge technology training school. we received in-depth practical and theoretical classes in a number of technologies, tools and techniques related to our business units. we also received a 6-week training school delivered by our mentor - a young professiol who is working at the forefront of our field.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Feb 2017
The training of business etiquette in australia is the best. the training curriculum is well-organized and the trainer is passiote and knowledgeable. furthermore, the experience in india is just mind-blowing, it will be my one of most unforgettable experience for a quite long time.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Feb 2017
Very good experience
Midlevel, Sydney - 06 Feb 2017
There are two training programs i?ve been in. one where the graduates spent two weeks learning soft skills through a professiol trainer. it?s a lot more interesting than it sounds. the second was a month trip to india to learn about testing. both were worthwhile experiences
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
Being sent to india for a month of training was a very mind opening and enjoyable experience. provided the opportunity to learn indian culture which is a big part of cognizant's operations. learned multiple coding languages in a classroom context.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
I picked up skills in programming and alytics and learnt about many amazing technologies. time spent in between projects is spent doing self-learning on online courses and youtube.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
Learnt how to program in java, javascript, html, css. picked up skills on how to use the selenium test automation tool.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017
The first two months were all training focused on all aspects of my job (both technical skills and interpersol skills). there is also a wealth of training material available for self passed learning.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Feb 2017
They have a large e-learning variety, opportunities to become certified in software services you learn to use and provide basic professiol communication and presentation training.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2017