Very satisfied. My manager is a good mentor and provides helpful performance feedback in regular reviews. They are very accessible and approachable.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Oct 2023
My direct supervisors are other lawyers, and my mentor partner is just brilliant. We have annual reviews usually, but we have two each 'rotation' as part of our graduate program.
Our HR team is also approachable, but sometimes reaching a resolution takes a lot of persistence/pushing from the employee.
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Oct 2023
Most Partners and Senior Associates are approachable and embrace their role as a mentor. Junior lawyer development is taken seriously.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Oct 2023
The partners, and my mentor partner, are commendable in their mentorship. Managerial styles will differ from team to team, and naturally some styles will appeal more to some people than others. However, it is on the whole good, from all levels of seniority.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Oct 2023
My managers are great mentors, who are readily accessible.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Oct 2023
My manager is very friendly and approachable, but it does not feel like I get a lot of mentoring / training from anyone senior in the team.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Dec 2022
- I have a supervising partner who is my main management contact; - I do most of my day to day work with her; - I get regular feedback from partners and senior lawyers on tasks I complete, although sometimes I need to explicitly ask for that feedback. - We have performance reviews every three months to allow us to reflect on where we could improve and get feedback.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Dec 2022