There are lots of areas to go to within the business, so lots of opportunities in that regard. However, there aren't often openings available. Promotions seem to occur by application for new roles rather than having them offered to you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Not fully aware of this detail, however, after our program we have the ability to enter the business in entry-level positions. There is the intention to fast-track our progress if desired by both parties.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Oct 2023
End of graduate program role basically guaranteed but still need to find it within your network and interview for it. Opportunity to move up quickly is possible.
Graduate, Australia - 09 Jun 2023
As a graduate, nearing the end of your 3rd rotation you are responsible for seeking out opportunities for full-time employment. The business gets you interview ready which is extremely helpful. In projects, there are always a lot of open and new positions coming up so this makes it easier to gain new experiences.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
I have not experienced any yet, but I can see the opportunities others have had.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
Scientists can progress to R&D management
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
As a graduate, you have a 2 year program where you are able to rotate to different areas in your stream. After this, you must apply for a role internally, however, when being recruited as a graduate, they take into account the potential career opportunities 2 years ahead to ensure a role is available.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
Fairly good opportunities. Skeleton crews make opportunities more scarce
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023