Graduate Engineer at Department of Defence - Civilian Engineer Development Program (Navy)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Robotics and Mechatronics at University of New South Wales (UNSW)
7.00 AM
After my alarm rouses me out of bed, I’ll have a quick shower to wake up, grab a coffee, and listen to a podcast on the train to work to start the day
8.30 AM
Once I’m at my desk, I’ll log in and check my emails to see if anything urgent has come up or see if I’ve got any replies from yesterday’s messages. Once I’ve attended to the emails, I’ll head to our lab to start working on our equipment – we’re currently in the process of setting up a ship simulator, and it is super exciting to get the unique opportunity to get the simulator up and running. It provides the opportunity to get hands-on with physical hardware, make sure everything is operating correctly, and occasionally gives us some interesting challenges if we need to debug any issues which may be present.
10.00 AM
Around 10 my team usually like to go for a coffee – it’s always great to take some time to go out and get some fresh air, and spend some time catching up with my colleagues about sport and all the other happenings over the weekend.
11.00 AM
Twice a week we have a virtual team meeting with everyone in our cell. With some of the team based in Canberra and others in Sydney, it’s a really nice way to keep checking in and see what everyone else has been up to, and also allows us to easily help others or get some help with our own work if the week has ended up being particularly busy.
12.30 PM
Around now everyone has been getting pretty hungry and ready to grab some lunch – working in the CBD gives us plenty of good options to go out for lunch if we want
1.00 PM
After lunch, I’ll spend some time working on my other projects which run over longer time frames. The tasks vary across many projects which is excellent to both keep work interesting and also develop a broad skillset. The work could be assisting with requirements writing for upcoming projects, developing a Cyber Security Incident Response Framework, or developing a test procedure to analyse a network on a ship.
4.30 PM
I usually finish work around 4.30 pm, but flexible working hours allows me to finish earlier if I need and make up the hours later, or stay a bit longer and take some time off on another day. It gives me time to go the gym after work and clear my head before going home.
6.00 PM
After gym, it’s an easy commute home, just one train ride and a short drive before I’m back. Plenty of time to have dinner and unwind in the evening
11.00 PM
After all that it’s time to call it day and get some rest, ready to do it all again tomorrow!