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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C)

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Diversity at Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C)

7.0 rating for Diversity, based on 34 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Not a lot of cultural diversity
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
PM&C is very committed to diversity on all fronts, and the employee population have various backgrounds along racial/ethnic, religious/cultural, gender, and sexual orientation lines.
Graduate, Canberra - 24 Aug 2024
The company's commitment is high, diversity is promoted, diverse employees fostered. Child-care and other responsibilities are not always appropriately addressed, really depending on the teams you'll work in and their own exposure to that (often young (bar directors and up who are great) and no kids so no understanding for having to leave to pick them up or stay home or else). Despite high commitments the actual workforce is incredibly white and Anglo Celtic. My grad year had less than five out of over 40 people born overseas, all but one or two having been educated in Australia. Unbelievable.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
From what I've seen, the company seems genuinely committed.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
I think it is good but always room for improvement here everywhere
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
People in the Networks would be able to directly respond to this with an informed opinion. Those within Networks would be aware that there are fantastic policy and initiatives that sound really good - except that is all there is. There is no real commitment from the I&D staff to have those words transform into practical action. There are very obvious tensions within the I&D team itself and this ultimately affects their relationship with the Networks.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Nov 2023
Diversity is improving, in particular flexible hours are provided to women and men with children. There is a school holiday program, but no childcare. Diversity regarding LGBTIQ and minorities could be much improved.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
It's a bit difficult to comment on this aspect when I'm not in a position of recruiting others. However the Department emphasises a commitment to supporting a diverse workforce.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
There is a strong support for diversity in the narrative and policy, but this is not necessarily reflected in workplace demographics.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
2/3 of the Department are women and minorities are actively recruited.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Nothing. Being from a CALD migrant background and mature-aged, the department did nothing special to attract diverse talent. Their hiring process is based on their incredible reputation. There's some initiative to recruit more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander which is gaining traction.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Unknown. A lot of graduates in my year are from Sydney and Melbourne with privileged backgrounds.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Nov 2023
Unsure. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are encouraged to apply (there is a cadetship program) but unsure of retention.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
I think there are a variety of entry level programs aimed at those without tertiary qualifications.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
Merit based applications are exceptional in this regard.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
I don’t think there is a great deal done, although there are a number of Aboriginal recruitment pathways in place for entry level staff.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
I am not sure. Graduate recruitment certainly favours graduates who have completed a lot of extra-curricular activities. It is well know that people from privileged backgrounds have a greater ability to undertake such activities.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Indigenous stream for grads.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015