Updating Results

Foodstuffs North Island

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Foodstuffs North Island

8.7 rating for Working Hours, based on 6 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very flexible. My team allows for high flexibility around the number of days in the office and hours. Very convenient with missing traffic and allowing time for important personal things in the day.
Intern, Auckland - 03 Sep 2024
My company is really flexible. I am able to work from home for 2 days a week and come into the office 3 days a week. I can leave when I need to when I'm in the office. If I have an appointment or need to pop out for a while during work hours, they are fine with that.
Full time role, Auckland - 20 Aug 2024
As mentioned, my team is flexible about our work hours that we can start between 6-10 am and log off from 1-5 pm depending on when we log on. Even so, sometimes we need to take off a few hours from the usual working hours to do personal things. When that happens, a lot of us just use the evening to cover those hours instead of taking a leave (given that we have done our urgent tasks). Also, work hours do not equate to work-in-the-office hours for us because we are demanded for a 3 days work in the office per week. I usually go to the office 1-2 days per week due to transport issue and I am personally satisfied with the hours in the office. The only struggle for me is getting a ride to and from work on the days that I go to the office. But i am used to it now so all is good.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
My hours are very flexible which suits me great.
Intern, Auckland - 19 Aug 2024
Very flexible and I appreciate the leniency of the company when it comes to emergencies and any unforeseen circumstances.
Graduate, Auckland - 16 Aug 2024