Be yourself, don't be afraid to have a sense of humour and a personality and bring that with you, as we're looking for people we actually like being around, not just law robots.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Apr 2021
You need to do well at your interview but also the networking night. Make sure you talk to as many people as you can and get to know them on a personal level not just work.
Graduate, Perth - 19 Apr 2021
Be yourself in the interview!
Graduate, Perth - 15 Apr 2021
- Research the firm's areas of practice, and be able to speak to why you are interested in working in that area - Be able to speak to why you are applying for JWS instead of other firms - this means looking at the firm's marketing materials and understanding how the firm positions itself, and why this appeals to you - It never hurts to talk about yourself, your passions and interests
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Apr 2021
Understand the work that JWS does and ensure that the work aligns with your interests. If it does, express that in your application; be yourself and elaborate on your interests in your interview.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 15 Apr 2021
I would recommend you research JWS and know that we are a flat structured firm where graduates and associates are not placed in set rotations. I would also recommend you have some knowledge around our practice areas and think about whether these are practice areas you would like to obtain some experience in.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 15 Apr 2021
Be yourself, and know what you value. If you can articulate what you are looking for, who you are and what you stand for you will be able to judge whether you are a good fit for the company. At the end of the day, you want to work with people you like.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Apr 2021
Be comfortable in the situation. Be confident in yourself and dress the part.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Apr 2021