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Rio Tinto

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at Rio Tinto

8.1 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 76 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
The company values speak to this directly and it is something spoken about daily
Graduate, Perth - 04 Sep 2024
large presence in the communities its operations are based, such as events, facilities and programs specifically for those communities.
Graduate, Port Hedland and Dampier - 09 Dec 2021
Despite recent events, there's definitely been a huge push for CSR, especially around emissions reductions and indigenous affairs. For instance there's a team dedicated to decarbonising Rio Tinto and various projects such as a $2.6 billion lithium mine, 1 GW solar farm and desalination plants are in the pipeline.
Graduate, Perth - 09 Dec 2021
They have Rio Givers, other than that? I'm not too familiar with that part of the company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Dec 2021
Recently had team building session which was fun.
Graduate, Weipa - 09 Dec 2021
They've upped the ante due to the company being in hot water for the last year or so.
Graduate - 09 Dec 2021
A lot of events held to help out the community every year.
Graduate, Gladstone Central - 09 Dec 2021
Do heaps in the local residential communities. Many projects in Perth. I've not worked on any due to my role as onsite mining engineer
Graduate, FIFO Perth - 30 Nov 2018
They're trying to improve the current image
Graduate, Western Australia - 28 Nov 2018
for a mining company i believe they do a lot, especially compared to smaller companies. I have been involved in TO engagement, community give-back programs
Graduate, Perth/ Pilbara - 27 Nov 2018
I think that some people in the Perth offices take part in helping with supplying food to the less fortunate. The company has a program where it matches donations (for charities or for community things) up to a certain amount.
Graduate, Karratha - 27 Nov 2018
Strong support of the white ribbon (stopping domestic violence), the royal flying dr, and more. Company offer $500 towards a charity if you do over 50 hours of volunteer work with a charity in a year.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Nov 2018
This year the company has strongly been promoting the white ribbon campaign, this is a charity that helps women against domestic violence, promoting this awareness in the community can truly be life changing. Multiple times this year that have conducted donation drives of non perishables, blankets etc. to be packaged up and donated to women and family shelters. More recently they also have been promoting men's health throughout November via Movember, matching a certain amount of money to the money that is raised to be donated to the charity. I was fortunate enough to be involved in a cooking team building event, that used fruit and vegetables that were going to be discarded from grocery stores such as Coles and Woolworths. We made meals that were packaged up and donated to one of the shelters in the city.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Nov 2018
My company has took parts in White Ribbon, Are U Ok day, supporter for a lot of the Indigenous communities and town development Employees are encouraged to took part in communities events
Graduate, Gove - 26 Nov 2018
Graduate, Tom Price - 26 Nov 2018
this has been at the forefront of all projects I have worked on, and has been considered in a number of different ways
Graduate, Perth and Karratha - 26 Nov 2018
Proper rehab works for all disturbed ground. Proper licence to operate. Constant consultation with the local indiginous groups
Graduate, Paraburdoo - 12 May 2018
There's always something being done in this space
Graduate, Perth - 12 Apr 2018
Large community engagement through fundraising efforts, programs with community partners (such as SciTech for early STEM education), sponsoring of careers events and engagement with universities
Graduate, Perth - 12 Apr 2018
Yet to find out more about potential volunteering opportunities. Company does fund raising for guide dogs and supports white ribbon day.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Apr 2018