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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Job Satisfaction at Santos

7.3 rating for Job Satisfaction, based on 23 reviews
Please comment on your role and day-to-day responsibilities.
Wellsite engineer, assisting wellsite supervisor with reporting and logistics, improvement projects
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Oct 2023
I have had the opportunity to be able to do very technical work within the company and experienced roles that would not have been possible in other companies at my level.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Oct 2023
Reservoir Engineering support for subsurface appraisal and development - anything from updating operations and drilling worst-case discharge for offshore approvals and the environmental regulator, to continuing to assess difficult-to-commercialise stranded gas assets using new technologies, with constant dynamic simulation to achieve these tasks.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
Currently working under Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. Mostly procurement and troubleshooting as well as projects in relation to maintenance and replacement of modern units.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 13 Oct 2023
Operations engineer / site based Daily troubleshooting and engineering support to a MHF
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Oct 2023
I really love the work that I get to do, however, at the moment there is no set 'plan' for my team. The plan has changed many times this year which has caused me to move from project to project - I haven't been able to stick to one thing for a long enough time to complete it. In saying this, I do not mind offering ad hoc support to my team because they are so lovely, and I always feel appreciated. At the moment I am working on three different tasks which I swap between depending on which is the priority at the time, as dictated by my leader. What I am working on is also sometimes dictated by software/IT issues. I arrive in and check my emails; I then complete any tasks of high priority in the mornings and email them off to relevant people. I spend majority of the rest of the day on one of my projects and then end the afternoon doing Petroskills.
Graduate, Perth - 05 Oct 2023
More short-term day to day focus with multiple side projects various in size
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Oct 2023
As a graduate Petroleum Production Engineer, my role involves designing and selecting subsurface equipment to optimise the production of oil and gas. My day-to-day responsibilities include: -Evaluating inflow and outflow- performance between the reservoir and the wellbore. -Monitoring logs for each well. -Planning field development and managing day-to-day operations against long term objectives. -Troubleshooting Technical Issues. -Carrying out site inspections and energy survey. -Overseeing drilling and production operations. -Perform engineering calculations.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 05 Oct 2023
For a graduate engineer I have significant responsibilities which helps me grow as an engineer
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Meeting with people to progress tasks, project planning, coding and technical work, assisting with data loading for partially loaded processes, sometimes writing reports/presentations.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
I manage 5 - 10 mid-size ($300k - $3M) projects throughout the complete project lifecycle. This includes concept development, budgeting, scheduling, risk management, execution and closeout activities.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
I have recently joined a new team and am learning a lot. Although my team is resource constrained, I have adequate support. I am still in the phase of my new role where I feel a bit like I have been thrown in the deep end, but I am enjoying the learning curve. I've found from my past rotations, that this learning curve can last a while, and learning tends to take place in the form of on-the-job experience, rather than formal/structured learning.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Working in process team for surveillance, my day-to-day responsibilities include monitoring trends and identifying any abnormalities which may be a result of process upsets. If questionable trends are observed, the next step is to investigate and identify the cause. I work in "fast-loop", so lots of ad-hoc process-related queries from different departments. When issues arise on site, myself and the other fast-loop process engineers are typically the first point of contact for troubleshooting.
Graduate, Perth - 04 Oct 2023
Sometimes I am overloaded with admin/risk management work and don't get to focus on technical engineering projects
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
My work is very reactive and dealing with a large number of small problems. This means it can be hard to see achievement by the end of the day.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Graduate reservoir engineer. Reservoir simulation, reserves estimation, assisting senior engineers, fielding requests from other business units
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
My role main responsibilities is risk assessing our problems to prioritise the work load within the company. Additionally, we try to look at short term optimisation and short term risk reduction.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Monotonous work that is uninspiring and presents little to no opportunity for on the job learning. I do not feel challenged and become very bored on a daily basis.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
I find my daily responsibilities to be both intellectually stimulating and demanding. I derive great satisfaction from the tasks assigned to me and appreciate the adequate time provided for their completion.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
I'm satisfied with the work I complete. The day-to-day responsibilities at times are challenging as there can be a lot of pressure to get work done, with minimal support. This is due to a low retention rate of employees, as the market is very competitive at the moment.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023