Updating Results


  • 100 - 500 employees

Zenius Educators Development Program

Location details


  • Indonesia


    • Jakarta

      Jakarta Selatan


Jakarta Selatan

Opportunity expired

Opportunity details

  • Opportunity typeGraduate Job or Program
  • Application open dateApply by 5 Oct 2021

Job Description

  • Apa itu Zenius Educators Development Program (EDP)?

EDP adalah program pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi para calon pendidik masa depan Indonesia, untuk nantinya mengisi posisi sebagai Content Creator di Zenius. Jika terpilih sebagai peserta EDP, kamu akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu, berdiskusi, dan berbagi cerita dengan tokoh-tokoh terbaik Indonesia di bidang pendidikan.

  • Content Creator di Zenius itu apa sih? Kerjanya seperti apa?

Secara harfiah, pekerjaan utama Content Creator itu adalah produksi konten. Di Zenius, jadi Content Creator itu sehari-harinya akan fokus ke membuat konten juga, yaitu dengan ngajar, mengembangkan soal, rekaman audio dan video, jadi sosok di depan kamera dan di balik layar, atau bahkan bisa jadi programmer juga dengan coding menggunakan bahasa pemrograman khusus, tergantung nantinya spesialisasi kamu akan ke arah mana.

Minimum Qualifications

Apa syaratnya bergabung di EDP?

  • Tertarik di bidang pendidikan
  • Siapapun bisa mendaftar dalam proses seleksi untuk mengikuti program EDP. Tidak ada batasan usia, tingkat pendidikan minimum, status pernikahan, atau pengalaman bekerja sebelumnya sebagai prasyarat
  • Suka belajar hal baru
  • Tertarik menjadi content creator

Kenapa harus gabung EDP?

  • Sebagai perusahaan pionir di bidang edukasi berbasis teknologi yang sudah bergerak di industri pendidikan Indonesia sejak 2004, Zenius sangat berpengalaman dalam merancang kurikulum, melaksanakan pedagogi dan andragogi, menumbuhkan rasa penasaran dan kecintaan terhadap belajar, dan membangun pola pikir transformasional yang efeknya bisa dirasakan sehari-hari. Berpartisipasi sebagai peserta EDP akan menjadi salah satu pengalaman paling spesial dalam hidup kamu.
  • Lulusan EDP akan diberikan penawaran ikatan kerja sebagai pekerja tetapโ€”bukan sebagai mitra, pekerja lepas (freelance), atau pekerja kontrak.
  • Posisi Content Creator di Zenius diberikan jenjang karir yang panjang dan skema kompensasi yang sangat kompetitif, cukup dengan memperdalam pengetahuan dan mengasah kemampuan tanpa perlu mengubah peran (role) dalam pekerjaan. Kalo kamu sebetulnya punya minat yang tinggi terhadap pendidikan tapi menyimpan kekhawatiran seputar aspek finansial atau perkembangan karirnya, berkarya di Zenius adalah jawaban untuk kamu.

Content Creator di Zenius itu dianggap sebagai aset Zenius yang paling berharga (core capital). Salah satu buktinya, Zenius punya satu tim khusus yang fokus bertugas memetakan dan mengembangkan kemampuan serta pengetahuan para Content Creator. Kalo kamu bisa lulus EDP dan jadi Content Creator di Zenius, kamu akan ngerasain rasanya jadi anggota tim elit yang penting, dibutuhkan, dan diandalkan.

Qualifications & other requirements

You should have or be completing the following to apply for this opportunity.

Degree or Certificate
Qualification level
Qualification level
Bachelor or higher
Study field
Study field (any)

Hiring criteria

  • Experience requirementNo experience required
  • Study fields
    Business & Management
  • Degree typesBachelor or higher
Show all hiring criteria


3 years ago

My job is to make storyboards for animation series and it is really enjoyable. It isn't as simple as it looks. There are so many procedures involved, from script breakdown, blocking plan, shot designs, etc. And every single one of the procedures is fun since there are so many creative process with brilliant people involved. Working here is really a great experience.

Tangerang Selatan (WFH) and Jakarta (WFO)
3 years ago

I am very grateful and happy to work at Zenius. I am truly satisfied that we as employees are being encouraged to keep learning and developing ourselves. I shall continue to enrich my knowledge and contribute more and more.

Jakarta Selatan
3 years ago

I'm on zenpractice stream, my daily job is to make questions for zenpractice needs. The challenge is to learn new things about the problems created by using the problem generator. The challenge is the workload is quite dense and many changes in a short time

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About the employer

Zenius logo




Number of employees

100 - 500 employees


Education & Training

Let's spark the love of learning in everyone, everywhere, to question everything.

Pros and cons of working at Zenius


  • Healthy work environment with open minded coworkers and supervisors

  • Within 2.5 years of experience in this company, I feel that this company facilitate me to grow and have career development.

  • The company uses hybrid working system, so I can WFH or WFO. Flexible working hours is also one of the advantages of working here.

  • In my workplace, I can get more flexibility between professionalism and creativity.

  • Zenius always encourages employees' development, training, and well-being. Seeking new ideas and innovation has been fun. Co-workers are very friendly. Managers are very open and supportive. It's great to work for a company that not only aims to grow and flourish ahead but also holds vital values.

  • The co-workers and supervisors are very friendly and helpful. Workload is still tolerable


    • Since my division is considered new, the divison hasn't found the most effective workflow. There are still trials and errors in that part.

    • Lack of room available when many employees go to office

    • Work environment is very different than I thought before. but gradually I try to adapt.

    • The working flow could be improved. Since our team is pretty new, we are still working on better mapping, planning, and reporting.

    • Since this company is growing fast-ly, the culture is not defined perfectly and still find out what's best to be built.