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Shell gives their top tips on how to apply for a role

Employer Insight

Learn more about the various steps and processes involved when applying for position at Shell, and discover some top tips to help you succeed.

Step 1: Online Application Tips

Make the most of your CV

Your CV is a key step in any application process. It is the platform to present yourself and demonstrate your achievements.

Here are a few handy tips to help you present yourself in the best possible way:

  • Make sure that it looks good at a glance
  • Include the most recent and relevant experience first
  • Make it well rounded – show what you do outside of academic field too
  • Support your accomplishments with evidences
  • Attach your academic transcript (compulsory)

Tip #1: “You need to make an immediate impression. So I need to be interested in under a minute.” Janice

Tip #2: Include the most recent and relevant experience first

“Up front, put relevant work experience and the highest level of education. This should ideally include a summary of experiences and the impact made: the positive results created – commercial and otherwise.” Eveline

Tip #3: Make it well rounded – show what you do outside of work too

“I often also look for what the applicant does outside work: for the community for example. It gives a different perspective at the start.” Teghan

Tip #4: Define the outcomes and impacts you’ve made

“Avoid vague. Where possible define clearly – use metrics if you can – your achievements: the outcomes and impacts you’ve brought about in your work. I encourage candidates to make their work experiences as concrete as possible.” Eveline

Step 2: Online Assessments & On-demand Video Interview Tips

  • Make sure you are in the right frame of mind to take the test (motivated, focused, not tired or stressed).
  • It is recommended that you take this assessment on a large screen tablet, desktop or laptop.
  • Ensure you choose a quiet place and time to take the assessments. 
  • Ensure you read the questions properly.
  • Don’t get spend too much time on one question. You can always go back!

Part A: Cognitive test

  • Keep an eye on the timer.
  • A calculator is allowed and is recommended.
  • Take the online assessment practice tests: practice test 1 and practice test 2.
  • For practice test 2 you will probably want to use a pen, paper and a calculator as you will be required to make calculations (e.g. multiplications, percentages, ratios, etc).

Part B: Working styles assessment

  • Ensure you have researched Shell’s values.
  • Before starting, take some time to consider examples of how you’ve worked successfully in the past.
  • Don’t try to second-guess what Shell is looking for. Above all, we want you to have integrity; be authentic and confident of your opinions. We celebrate diversity and uniqueness at Shell and encourage you to be yourself.

Part C: On-demand Video Interview

  • Choose somewhere quiet with a good internet connection
  • Test your webcam and microphone
  • Make sure the area is well-lit and you can clearly be seen. 
  • Preferred browsers are Chrome, Firefox or Safari (latest version)
  • Reflect on why you’re applying and what your standout experiences are. Be ready to talk about these in an engaging way.

Step 3: Final Assessment Tips

  • Test your system one day before the actual interview.
  • Take the time to really familiarise yourself with the case study that you will be given prior to the interview (around 90-120 minutes should be sufficient). 
  • Be prepared to deliver a presentation to your assessors and answer any questions they may have. 
  • Do your homework by researching Shell and gaining familiarity with Shell operations, projects, sites and values.
  • Learn about the capacity, achievement and relationship criteria we use to assess candidates.
  • Frame your answer to provide evidence of what the interviewer is looking for. Always focus on what you have done. Always be enthusiastic about your achievements.

We hope your application is the first success of many to come in your career. Remember that we want you to do well! Good luck.