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University of Tasmania Career Directory Profiles

Showing 53 items

  • Graduate stories
Throughout the program, I always felt that my supervisors really made an effort to involve me in interesting and challenging work, and I felt like a valued and important member of the team from day one.


  • Day in the life

Jessica Hodgson

Every day at 10 AM, my team has a short meeting to go 'around the grounds' and explain our priority tasks for the day.
  • Day in the life

Josephine Tucker

Josephine Tucker studied Bachelor of Science, Major in Human Biology, Specialisation in Biomedical Science and Minor in Biological Anthropology and is now a Departmental Officer at the Department of Health.
  • Graduate stories
My particular role includes tracking large-scale renewable energy power stations and any relevant announcements.

Joshua Otten

  • Graduate stories
I’m still a little bit in awe of all the science that happens at ANSTO. Seeing the work that goes into keeping the reactor running is motivation for me to keep learning and pushing myself.

Juniper Bedwell-Wilson

  • Day in the life

Katherine Lee

Katherine Lee studied ​a ​Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws degree ​at Australian National University in 2017 and is now a Graduate at the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities in Canberra.
  • Graduate stories
Working as a lawyer not only requires you to recite case law and legislation but also requires you to give commercial rounded advice.

Kathryn Hender

  • Graduate stories
Everyone in the department brings their own skill sets and knowledge to the different teams.

Keely Dwarte