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University of Tasmania Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Collaboration on projects is always something I’ve enjoyed. To bring in multiple experts to ensure the best solution is reached I’ve always found fun as you usually learn a thing or two as well.

Luke Tapper

  • Graduate stories
Have a go at every opportunity, even if you don’t think you are capable, have confidence in yourself and give it a go.

Lydia Gentle

  • Day in the life

Marcus Summers

Marcus Summers studied Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Hons) at the University of Sydney in 2018 and is now working as a Graduate Civil/Planning Engineer at Downer.
  • Day in the life

Matt Jones

Before I head back up to the surface, I survey a few more headings, check the alignment of a Rhino drill rig, scan a rhino hole drilled by that rig, and mark up a few designs sent by engineers and geologists that morning.
  • Day in the life

Melinda Mees

Watch Melinda walk us through her typical day as a Graduate Mining Engineer at Newmont Australia.
  • Graduate stories
I love the variety it’s the spice of life therefore I’m always more than happy to go to new locations and learn more interesting facts about that area.

Merryln Mpofu

  • Graduate stories
The most enjoyable thing about my job is solving a big question. Occasionally I will come across a customer who has a particularly tricky situation or who has not paid for a long time for some reason.

Mia Bathurst

  • Day in the life

Michael Appoloni

Towards, the end of the day I will be involved in a meeting with some colleagues and an external contractor to learn about different methods of transferring liquid hydrogen to and from shipping vessels either at a production facility near a port or at the destination of the final user.