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University of Tasmania Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
"Dengan menjadi MT di Samator, aku punya banyak teman dari berbagai latar, suku, dan agama, jadi sangat beragam dan kita bisa saling belajar"

Rahmawati Istianing Rahayu

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is seeing the end product. We have so many people working here, and so many different processes that it is easy to get lost and forget the end goal. But part of my job involves seeing the gold at the end and knowing that all the hard work we all do is very much worth it!

Rebecca Craigie

  • Day in the life

Rebecca Marsh

Rebecca Marsh completed Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Hons) at the University of New South Wales in 2018 and is now working as a Graduate Mechanical Engineer at Downer.
  • Graduate stories
"Saya diberikan kesempatan untuk memegang real project, jadi project yang dipegang hitungannya juga proyek yang cukup kompleks"

Remigius Arjuna Putera

  • Graduate stories
An engineering qualification is a requirement of my role; however many of the skills I use in my day-to-day could come from transferable backgrounds.

Rhys Mawn

  • Graduate stories
My role requires meeting tremendously tight deadlines, where I am pushed to the limits in order to deliver the results.

Richeek Mohan

  • Graduate stories
At the end of the day, we are dominantly communicating with business partners on site and aiming to increase the reserves and resources that will be able to sustain the life of the mine.

Ristch “Rusty” Camille

  • Graduate stories

Roanne Maxwell