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BOQ Group

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at BOQ Group

8.1 rating for Recruitment, based on 30 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
My employment was facilitated through CareerTrackers so I submitted a profile and resume and then met with my manager for some questions and a little explanation of what the team does - in my experience it wasn't a traditional interview process, more a get to know me and ask any questions I had about the team/ what I would be doing
Intern, Brisbane - 30 May 2023
The process started with an assessment that was fairly standard. I believe there was also a digital interview before also participating in a live/digital interview with people from my team.
Intern, Brisbane - 29 May 2023
Quite smooth. Updated me frequently and received feedback which I really appreciate.
Intern, Melbourne - 26 May 2023
Was great and straightforward, I was contacted multiple times throughout the process to keep me updated. Onboarding was straightforward, though tech issues meant I didn't have the programs I needed for the first week or two.
Intern, Brisbane - 24 May 2023
The interview process began with a psychometric analysis and competency assessment. Then came I had to follow a link online to respond to certain questions in video format within a limited period of time. Finally I had an online interview and after received a phone call from my new manager and met at the head office.
Intern, Brisbane - 24 May 2023
i did one interview as I didn't go through a regular process
Intern, Brisbane - 23 May 2023
The hiring process was fairly standard, a pre-recorded interview into a one-on-one interview. However, the process was a little bit lengthy.
Intern, Brisbane - 19 May 2023
Went through the standard screening process consisting of generic aptitude tests and social interaction games. Then a single interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 May 2023
The onboarding process for the graduate program at BOQ was amazing.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Stressful on my part (as assessment centres are) although very professional.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Quite a simple and efficient interview process compared to other assessment centres I've attended
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Assessment day included several activities. Found them to be interesting and engaging.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
First step was video interview, then logical and behavioural tests. if you pass this stage, then you will be invited to the assessment centre where they test teamwork and time management. You will also have interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Quite rigorous but overall, enjoyable with varied and critical-feeling assessments.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Online Interview Online assessment Assessmnet center
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
The initial interview consisted of a video interview with timed questions, followed by a cognitive online assessment and lastly a four hour assessment centre. The process was intense and thought provoking but catered to all personalities and degree types. Included all business units from Group Risk and allowed for skills and abilities to be shown.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2019
The whole interview and assessment progress was rigorous. We started with online interviews and multiple assessment. This was followed by an assessment centre at the company's head office.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2019
After the initial resume and cover letter were submitted we were asked to answer several video questions with a two minute prep time and 2 minute response. Afterwards, we were sent a personality quiz and logic test. In the assessment centre 8 candidates were placed in a room surrounded by assessors and given different work scenarios to solve. We were then required to respond to essay questions resulting from the discussions had in the room. Finally, we were interviewed by two of the assessors.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jun 2019
Video interview asking us about what our view of risk is, online logical reasoning assessment, group asessment centre testing our teamwork and problem solving skills, one-on-one interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jun 2019
The recruitment process consisted of an online interview, an online quiz and an assessment centre which involved a group assessment and motivational interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I honestly can't remember, sorry :(
Intern, Brisbane - 30 May 2023
I was asked about my past experiences, these gave me opportunities to show of my experience and my strengths.
Intern, Brisbane - 29 May 2023
Quite a few questions regarding background, current experience, education and interests and the reasoning for applying for such a role.
Intern, Melbourne - 26 May 2023
Almost all behavioural questions, nothing too technical. Very conversational approach.
Intern, Brisbane - 24 May 2023
Questions regarding the culture of the bank, times I had worked in a team and/or faced certain challenges.
Intern, Brisbane - 24 May 2023
questions that allowed them to see my character and if my beliefs alligned with BOQ and if i was able to be taught how to do my role effectively.
Intern, Brisbane - 23 May 2023
I was asked about my motivation for choosing my preferred role, my relevant skills etc.
Intern, Brisbane - 19 May 2023
Why choose BOQ? Why do you like software engineering? Do you have experience with C# and Azure?
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 May 2023
How do your skills and interests fit with our business, values and mission?
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Motivational fit questions appeared to be more frequently asked than behavioural style questions as this was assessed through a behaviour assessment quiz that applicants were required to complete
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
values, what I expected from the job etc
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Industry specific questions, why we chose to apply for BOQ, they were aimed around any research and understanding we had on the finance industry. Also addressed our skills to communicate, teamwork and make decisions.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2019
I was asked about my personal values, where I saw myself in 10-15 years, the Royal Commission.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2019
Tell us about yourself. Tell us about your study. What activities do you participate in socially? Why do you want to work for BOQ? Do you consider yourself a risk taker? What risks do you take? What is something special you would bring to the job.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jun 2019
Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to work in risk? How have your extra-curricular activites shaped who you are today? What value reonsates with you the most? Why do you want to work for BOQ?
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jun 2019
Focus around individual values which would align to the business/bank. Also how your experience/study would relate to this.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019
What motivates you? What demotivates you? What value do you live by/ is most important to you?
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019
Questions were values and motivation oriented, as the company is quite focused on hiring those that aligned with the companies values. We were asked to discuss what we valued most at work and what motivated us and demotivated us.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019
Can't remember most of them but things along the lines of why do you want to work in Banking? Why this bank? how do you plan to adjust from uni life to full time work? What values are important to you? what do you want out of this job?
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Have STAR responses pre-planned and practice your responses, thinking about how they can be adapted for different questions. If you do an online interview, have some notes taped to the wall behind the camera to help with prompting
Intern, Brisbane - 30 May 2023
Honestly be yourself and talk about your strengths. Tell them about the skills that will be good in a work environment.
Intern, Brisbane - 29 May 2023
Be willing to go into detail, and mention the relevance of your experience, even if it is not at a workplace. I found that the sport and other extracurricular activities helped my candidacy for the role.
Intern, Melbourne - 26 May 2023
Have a good idea of why this company and why the specific role you applied for in case it's asked during the interview.
Intern, Brisbane - 24 May 2023
Become comfortable with basic interview questions, there weren't that I was particularly unprepared for or not expecting.
Intern, Brisbane - 24 May 2023
Ensure you are aware of the values of boq and if they align with how you wish to work
Intern, Brisbane - 23 May 2023
Ensure that your fundamentals are solid for the role you are applying to, and try not to be too serious during the interview, the interviewer is most likely someone on your team!
Intern, Brisbane - 19 May 2023
Go complete an Azure Cloud certificate beforehand and you will be the best candidate
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 May 2023
In preparation, do your homework on the business and its environment. Be honest about yourself and how you think you'll fit with the organisation.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Familiarise yourselves with the company values and be clear on what your own personal values are and they may align with the company's values. Be true to yourself, be genuine in your responses and don't respond with something that you feel the employer wants to hear
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Be yourself, make sure you engage in the activities and enjoy
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Be yourself.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Consider yourself and how you want to develop your career.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Understand what you value in an organisation.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Jun 2019
Research the company, know their values and purpose. Understand the industry in which they perform. Be confident and listen to other candidates. Don't be afraid to be yourself, it's a good thing to show personality.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2019
My tips would be to research the company and its values to have an understanding on how they conduct their business.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Jun 2019
Come in with some questions that you want to ask the interviewers. Do some research on what it means to work in risk.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jun 2019
Understand what risk is. Understand what a bank does and how it fits into society. Be yourself. Be willing to share about yourself and work with others.
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Jun 2019
Understanding the companies values and how they relate to individuals experience/study. Also identifying how you can stand out and bring something different to other candidates.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019