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Now everyone can easily discover and share powerful insights that inspire action.
Webinar 1: Prepare data for analysis – Tuesday, 04 May, 2021 @5 pm AEST
A self-service, point-and-click environment makes it easy to access, integrate, transform and modify data so that it's ready for analysis.
Webinar 2: Visually explore data to discover new insights – Wednesday, 12 May, 2021 @5 pm AEST
Interactive, self-service visualisation tools enable you to easily search for relationships, trends and patterns to gain a deeper understanding of your data. Then create stunning reports and dashboards that you can share via the web and mobile devices.
Webinar 3: Deploy Value – Thursday, 20 May, 2021 @6 pm AEST
Explore methods to deploy analytics in an interactive platform. Transforming analytics into valuable and informed decisions