The Tasmanian State Service (TSS) is the largest employee in Tasmania with over 30,000 employees; made up of 18 Agencies, 10 Departments and 8 State Authorities.
The State Service Management Office released the Aboriginal Employment Strategy in 2019 to increase the number of Aboriginal employees in all levels and classifications and across all Agencies and Departments.
The TSS values Aboriginal employees and recognise the unique knowledge and skills you can bring to our workplaces. We also acknowledge and value the historical and current cultural and social legacies that you, as Aboriginal employees, can draw on to inform your work, our work and our services.
The Strategy Action Plan outlines a number of opportunities to increase Aboriginal employment in the Tasmanian State Service, including developing a new Aboriginal Employment Portal off the website, changes to the Tas GRAD Program to include Aboriginal identified graduate positions, and the inclusion of Aboriginal identified Schooled Based Traineeships positions.
The TSS is committed to increasing and supporting Aboriginal employment opportunities, Aboriginal leadership, career progression and creating physical and visually welcoming and cultural safe and respectful work environments.
The State Service Management Office coordinates the TasGRAD program. This is a two-year program which offers recent (or soon to be) graduates full-time employment as well as participation in an 18-month professional development program with the potential of a 6 month rotational opportunity (within or out of the Agency). Graduates are employed across a range of Agencies and roles.
The Tas GRAD Program will include a small number of identified Aboriginal Graduate positions, in addition to encouraging and supporting interested Aboriginal graduates to apply for all/any Tas GRAD positions.
TasGraD is a highly sought after program designed to challenge, inspire and encourage you to explore the many opportunities available within your profession and the broader State Service. As a graduate in the Tasmanian State Service, and a participant in the Graduate Development Program, you will gain the foundation skills and knowledge to have a successful career.
You will develop skills in Writing for Decision Makers, Financial Management, Public Value, Getting Policy to and through Cabinet, Service Delivery, Design Thinking and Communication. TasGraD offers:
If all this sounds like a place you would like to work, we hope to hear from you soon!
We are currently in the process of finalising the 2021 Tas GRAD Program and expect to commence recruitment in September/October 2020. To register to receive Tas GRAD Program notifications go to and follow the links.