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University of Tasmania Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Deloitte is full of some of the brightest minds, each with different skill sets which when combined creates a diverse and powerful team.

Adam Clark

  • Career Mentors
Embrace every day and approach each challenge with vigor, as it is never as hard as you first think.

Adrian McNulty

  • Graduate stories
"Sebagai intern di Halodoc, saya merasa disambut dengan baik oleh para senior. Selain itu mereka juga sangat baik dan suportif"

Ailsa Zhafira

  • Graduate stories
The idea of working for a company that produces life-saving devices in healthcare and leading-edge technology in power and renewables, versus working for a company that sells non-material products or a company that services only one market, made it an easy choice for me in the end.

Amied Shadmaan

  • Graduate stories
"Aku sebagai intern diberikan benefit yang menarik yaitu akses belajar ke courses gratis di platform e-learning."

Amirah Meuthia Dahlan

  • Graduate stories
FTI has a great Graduate Development Program, providing graduates with a range of specific training sessions and opportunities to enhance their technical skills and knowledge.

Amy Dalton

  • Graduate stories
"Di Deloitte, saya sering mendapatkan exposure untuk bicara dan berdiskusi secara critical dengan clients dan juga sesama peers"

Andi Rachmi Sose

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job would be rate of growth that Audit offers. It’s great to be able to work with company CFOs and higher management over accounting judgements and practices.

Andrew Parker