Updating Results

Steadfast Group

  • 100 - 500 employees

Training & Personal Development at Steadfast Group

8.5 rating for Training, based on 6 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Steadfast offer regular training and seminars to inform and upskill their employees. The knowledge gained is very beneficial and allows me to understand more insurance concepts. I've learnt more about General Insurance, presentation skills and explored new topics that Steadfast are leaning into such as AI. One recommendation would improving the practicality and engagement of full day workshops and seminars, as sometimes it can be someone talking at us the whole time.
Graduate, Sydney
Training and development was a mixture of formal education and on the job training.
Analyst, Sydney
I've been fortunate to participate in several programs, such as the Xplore program and ANZIIF learning. As well, being engaged in these rotations has allowed me to immerse myself in a wealth of knowledge shared by my colleagues across different areas of the business. This exposure has enabled me to draw from various perspectives and experiences, enriching my professional development.
Graduate, Sydney
Young leadership programs (Xplore), presentation skills, ANZIFF (insurance broking certificate), corporate induction, plus many more.
Graduate, Sydney